You can display and change configurations for stand-alone portal servers as well as entire portal clusters consisting of multiple nodes. 您可以显示和更改独立门户服务器和包含多个节点的整个门户群集的配置。
To display the topology and the status of the servers in the cluster, select a cluster. 要在集群中显示服务器的拓扑和状态,选择该集群。
The HTTP application will display a Web page that takes the address and port numbers of two SIP User Agent Servers ( UAS) and initiate a connection between them. HTTP应用程序将显示采用两个SIP用户代理服务器(UAS)的地址和端口号的网页,并启动它们之间的连接。
The functions of this system software include that it can realize ECG data transceiver, data memory, waveform display and communication management by using servers and Personal Digital Assistant ( PDA). 该系统软件功能包括对服务器和个人数码助理(PDA)心电数据的收发、存储、波形显示和通信管理。
Set the filter used to display servers and connectors. 设置用于显示服务器和连接器的筛选器。
This filter is configured to display no servers or connectors. 此筛选器配置为不显示服务器或连接器。
The WWW enables transfer and display of multimedia documents between servers, which hold the information, and clients or users. WWW使保存信息的服务器以及客户机或用户之间能够传递和显示多媒体文档。
The technology SVG is used for display of client servers, which eliminates the efficiency bottleneck of WEB GIS. NET作为服务器,可以很好的解决胖客户端和瘦客户端的部署问题,同时客户端的显示采用SVG技术,可以很好的解决当前WebGIS的效率瓶颈问题。